These 2 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the May Full Moon

These 2 zodiac signs will be most affected by the May full moon
Photo: Unsplash

The full moon of May 2024 will rise in the sky on May 23, and as the last full moon of autumn, it is here to reconnect you with your greatest aspirations before winter.

This full moon is brimming with abundance and a sense of adventure, as it rises in the wild and free-spirited fire sign of Sagittarius, encouraging everyone to broaden their horizons and seek the rainbow beyond the storm clouds.

Your horoscope for the powerful full moon of May 2024

This is a powerful time to chase your dreams, regardless of what your astrological chart looks like, but for some lucky zodiac signs, it might be the biggest lunar manifestation moment of the year.

At the time of this lunation, the Sun will have just entered Gemini, kicking off the Gemini season of 2024, which is usually a time to embrace your social butterfly tendencies and connect with the present moment. However, with the May full moon rising on the opposite side of the zodiac in worldly and philosophical Sagittarius, you’ll want to zoom out from all your daily distractions to get a panoramic view of your overall goals. This is a fabulous time to follow your enthusiasm and trust that the universe will help put things in place.

These 2 zodiac signs will feel the effects of the May 23 full moon.

Additionally, there is a special cosmic event happening on the same day as the full moon: the annual Jupiter-Venus conjunction. Lucky Jupiter and romantic Venus are known as the two “benefic planets” in traditional astrology, as they both tend to bring positivity and blessings to everything they touch. This particular union of the benefics is especially abundant, as it is not only occurring at the last degree of the exuberant earth sign Taurus, but a sweet connection from the dreamy planet Neptune is also supporting it.

This means that along with the adventurous and open-hearted magic of the full moon, you will also be working with the opulent and generous energy of this brilliant planetary conjunction. Expect big opportunities in romance, money, and creativity and let your fantasies run wild.

All zodiac signs should look forward to this exciting lunation, but the two zodiac signs most affected by the May full moon have even more magic to work with.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The May full moon is rising in your deep and mysterious eighth house, bringing hidden desires to the surface and helping you embrace the parts of yourself you were once afraid to show the world. But what makes this lunation especially powerful for Taureans is that it is forming an opposition to the abundant planet Jupiter and the loving planet Venus, both currently aligned at the last degree of your zodiac sign, bringing a year’s worth of manifestation opportunities to a climax.

Jupiter will end its year-long period in your sign just two days after the full moon and won’t return here for more than a decade, so this is your chance to capitalize on all the goals, hopes, and desires that have been building up in your life over the past year. What makes this manifestation moment even more potent is that lucky Jupiter is currently in perfect conjunction with luxurious Venus, your ruling planet. This makes it even easier to attract romance, money, and new opportunities. Take advantage of the magic.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

May 23 brings the annual full moon in your sign, so naturally, you will feel its effects more strongly than the rest of the zodiac. This lunation is one of the best times of the year to dive headfirst into your goals and embrace new adventures, so be spontaneous and seize every opportunity that comes your way. The moon is being supported by the transformational planet Pluto, ensuring you have a sharp focus when it comes to going after what you want.

Additionally, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is currently cozied up to exuberant and romantic Venus in the productivity sector of your chart, bringing lots of luck to everything from work relationships to financial matters. As a Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, you are feeling the blessings of this Jupiter-Venus conjunction in a big way and can use this burst of cosmic magic to attract new professional opportunities or make significant strides toward your personal goals. The universe is speeding you towards success, so hop on board and enjoy the abundant energy of the full moon.

Source: Bustle

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